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Specialists in

  • Environmental Approvals

  • Impact Assessment

  • Technical Advice

  • Field Study Design

  • Stakeholder Engagement


Spencer Shute EPA and Commonwealth environmental approvals for mining, oil and gas, infrastructure and agricultural projects


SEA Services, established in 2015 and headed by Spencer Shute (BSc MSc Environmental Studies, Oceanography and Marine Biology), specializes in providing comprehensive environmental consultancy services tailored to meet the specific requirements of each project.


Our extensive experience in supporting projects across infrastructure, mining, oil and gas and agriculture, ensures clients receive considered and proven advice from the outset.


We focus on making certain that project design, field studies and impact assessment are aligned to support the timely completion of environmental approvals.

Our Scope Home
mining environmental approval

Environmental Approvals

Technical advice for environmental approval EPA

Technical Advice

Field study design for environmental approval

Field Study Design

Community consultation for environmental approval

Stakeholder Consultation


Explore Our Work

UW noise.jpg

Underwater Noise Report


Chair and co-author of report

"A Guide for Assessing and Managing Effects of Underwater Sounds from Navigation Infrastructure Activities" (2025)


Learmonth Bundle Site Subsea7

Design of baseline and technical studies and delivery of environmental approvals documentation (including State referral, Commonwealth referral, Public Environmental Review and Response to Submissions report) (2020).

Image by Vadym Alyekseyenko

Leeuwin Offshore Windfarm

Copenhagen Energy

Delivery of approvals strategy and schedule, leading to the preparation of an EPBC Referral for the proposed Leeuwin Offshore Windfarm (Copenhagen Energy) (2021)


Ridley Magnetite Project

Atlas Iron

Develop and implement approvals strategy for new magnetite mine near Port Hedland. Included commissioning of technical studies (terrestrial and marine) and engagement with regulators and Traditional Owners



Mardie Salt Project

BCI Minerals

Managed the completion of primary approvals for the original Mardie Project and progressed secondary approvals for the Optimised Mardie Project (Solar Salt) near Karratha



McPhee Creek Iron Ore Project

Atlas Iron

Managed the submission of the Public Environmental Review, Response to Submissions and environmental management plans


Project Image Library

SEA Services

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